Digital technology applied to the protection and preservation, documentation, remote access and understanding of Industrial Heritage.

The National Congress of Industrial Heritage Foundation has been promoting the concept of “Digital Documentation” as part of conservation and preservation of the Industrial Heritage, mainly for the assets of “Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution” inscribed on the World Heritage list in 2015. The concept of “Digital Documentation” is a digital recording of World cultural heritage as part of application to protection, preservation and in sharing and disseminating values and understanding across the world.

The technology will provide accurate data for site management, monitoring and documentation, enhance the interpretation, visualization and presentation of heritage in powerful tools for education and tourism, provide remote access for environmentally sensitive and physically inaccessible sites, and generally enhance understanding that will lead to greater valuing, and caring, of our global heritage and its transmission to future generations.

National Congress of Industrial Heritage has implemented many projects with cooperation of Scottish Ten Project, Cyark Foundation and Centre for Digital Documentation and Visualization (CDDV), and currently challenging to execute more projects for a variety of Industrial Sites.