The Hashino Iron Mining and Smelting Site is located at Aonoki in Hashino-cho, in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture, northern Honshu. It is accessed 600 m south of the road which links Tono with the Rikuchu Coastline National Park route 45. The site occupies a narrow N-S trending river valley 3.5 km long and rising from an elevation of 560 m above sea level in the north to 950 m in the south where the magnetite (iron ore) deposits lay. It comprises a well-preserved cultural landscape showing land use in the past of iron mining, transport, ore-processing, waterpower and smelting that is constrained by high hills in a mountainous area (with peaks at over 1,200 m) that has experienced minimal development since its period of operation from 1858 to 1894.